Place born
Organisation / Person
1887-1942, painter; artist; porcelain painter; poster artist, British

Tittensor, Harry

1887 - 1942

1883-1966, cartoonist; illustrator; poster artist, British; Welsh

Thomas, Herbert Samuel

1883 - 1966

1885-1939, sculptor; medallist, French

Dammann, Paul-Marcel

1885 - 1939

1889-1926, camera and cinema equipment manufacturer, Dresden, Germany

Ernemann Werke

1889 - 1926

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1886-1924, lens manufacturer, Leicester, England

Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Limited

1886 - 1924

1885-1965, artist; sculptor; medallist, British

Preston, Edward Carter

1885 - 1965

1887-1960 (though name Raleigh still used), motor bike and cycle manufacturer, Nottingham, England

Raleigh Cycle Company Limited

1887 - 1960

1889-1982, electrical engineer; inventor, Russian; American

Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma

1889 - 1982

1890-1965, photographer, British

Jarché, James

1890 - 1965

1883-1928, light bulb filament manufacturer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Royal Ediswan

1883 - 1928

1883-1991, telecommunications manufacturer, London

Standard Telephones and Cables PLC

1883 - 1991

1888-1969, Chief Engineer fof London & North Eastern Railway, England, Scottish

Train, Sir John Cumberland Landale

1888 - 1969

1889-1976, physicist; meteorologist, British

Dobson, Gordon Miller Bourne

1889 - 1976

1887-1912, battleship, British

HMS Trafalgar (1887)

1887 - 1912

1883-1935, artist, poster artist, sculptor, graphic designer, illustrator, cartoonist, British

Watts, Arthur George

1883 - 1935

1893-1938, artist; medallist, German

Glöckler, Oskar

1893 - 1938

1890-1964, mechanical engineer; inventor, British

Beacham, Thomas Edward

1890 - 1964

1888-1899, signal manufacturer, British

Dutton and Company

1888 - 1899

1888-1960, painter; sculptor, British

Kennington, Eric H

1888 - 1960

1889-1958, artist; illustrator; poster artist, British

Prance, Bertram

1889 - 1958

active 1883-c. 1893, gas engineers, London

British Gas Engine and Engineering Company Limited

1885 - 1893

1892-1975, physicist, English; British

Thomson, Sir George Paget

1892 - 1975

1889-1961, philologist, American

Dolch, Edward William

1889 - 1961

c.1884-1964, railway engineer; historian, British

Dewhurst, P C

1884 - 1964

1891-1912, shipbuilders, Port Glasgow, Scotland

A Rodger and Company

1891 - 1912

1893-1979, painter; poster artist, British

Hitchens, Ivon

1893 - 1979

1890-1975, medical missionary; mountaineer, English

Somervell, Theodore Howard

1890 - 1975

1887-1975, engineering; shipbuilding; aero engine manufacturer; road vehicles, Parkhead, Glasgow, Scotland, British

William Beardmore and Company Limited

1887 - 1975

1891-1941, physician; medical researcher, Canadian

Banting, Sir Frederick Grant

1891 - 1941

1884-1976, Locomotive engineer, British

Hawksworth, Frederick W

1884 - 1976

1885-1940, railway company, Somerset

Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway

1885 - 1940

1885-1957, wood engraver; autobiographer; poster artist, British

Raverat, Gwen

1885 - 1957

1884-1964, Lord Brabazon of Tara; aviation pioneer; politician, British

Moore-Brabazon, John Theodore Cuthbert

1884 - 1964

1891-1961, physician; radiologist, British

Burkitt, Frederick Thomas

1891 - 1961

active 1888-1971, manufacturing chemist, Nottingham

Boots Pure Drug Company Limited

1888 - 1971

1890-1954, electrical engineer; radio electronics engineer; inventor, American

Armstrong, Edwin Howard

1890 - 1954

1890-1902, manufacturer of insulated power cables, Prescot, England

British Insulated Wire Company

1890 - 1902

1892-1963, poster artist; artist; painter; draughtsman; etcher, British; Scottish

Macleod, William Douglas

1892 - 1963

1887-1961, physicist, Austrian

Schrödinger, Erwin

1887 - 1961

1892-1983, locomotive engineer, British

Riddles, R A

1892 - 1983

1886-1958, photographer, Highland Park, Illinois

Weston, Edward Henry

1886 - 1958

active 1889-1930, photographic goods manufacturer, Aston, England

W Tylar

1889 - 1930

1889-1951, camera manufacturer, Dresden

Curt Bentzin

1889 - 1951

1889-1972, writer and photographer, Bordeaux

Sougez, Emmanuel

1889 - 1972

1890-1984, psychologist, American

Kohs, Samuel Calmin

1890 - 1984

1889-1954, aviation engineer and aircraft designer, British

Folland, Henry Phillip

1889 - 1954

1892-1973, developer of radar, British

Watson-Watt, Robert Alexander

1892 - 1973

1883-1976, artist; painter; illustrator, British

Wallcousins, Ernest Charles

1883 - 1976

1891-1899, camera manufacturer, America

Rochester Camera and Supply Co.

1891 - 1899